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Lidia's KitchenThere is nothing more delicious than butterflied poultry with super crispy chicken. In this episode, Lidia starts with a Spicy Butterflied Cornish Hen made with hot cherry peppers, rosemary and wine. She then pulls out the beer to add to her Potatoes Baked in Beer .Our favorite Grandma Erminia joins Lidia to taste the Squash and Ricotta Tart.Xumo Free Food TV

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Lidia's Kitchen, Part 1

Lidia's Kitchen, Part 2

Lidia's Kitchen, Part 3

Lidia's Kitchen, Part 4

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Hot Ones, Part 2

Hot Ones, Part 3

Hot Ones, Part 4

Hot Ones, Part 5

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Mexico: One Plate at a Time with Rick Bayless

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