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Pati's Mexican TableA lesson in roping and riding from rodeo champion Ricardo "Bubba" Nevárez; carne asada; cattle rancher Alvaro Bustillos; serving up some cowboy delicacies.![Hungry]()

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A Taste Of History Season 1
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A Taste Of History Season 2
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Ciao Italia Season 26
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Pati's Mexican Table
Now Playing25minSummer Evening Party
Now Playing25minAlan Goes to College
Now Playing25minModern Mexico
Now Playing25minPati's Mexican Table - Family Fiesta
Now Playing25minFamily Favorites
Now Playing25minPati's Mexican Table - My Three Favorite Boys
Now Playing25minPati's Mexican Table - Meals in a Minute
Now Playing25minSami's Big Day
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Now Playing25minSugar for Hubby
Now Playing25minMérida: Exploring with the Locals
Now Playing25minValladolid: A Day to Explore
Now Playing25minPati's Mexican Table - Brunch at the Jinich House
Now Playing25minPati's Mexican Table - Asian Influences in Mexican Cooking
Now Playing25minAncient Yucatan with My Boys
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Now Playing25minPati's Mexican Table - Sugar for Hubby
Now Playing25minAmerican Classics, My Way
Now Playing25minBorn In The Kitchen
Now Playing25minPati's Mexican Table - Born in The Kitchen
Now Playing25minPati's Texican
Now Playing25minTurkey Day
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Now Playing25minAdventures in San Miguel
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Now Playing25minBaked!
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Now Playing25minBrunch at the Jinich House
Now Playing25minAsian Influences in Mexican Cooking
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Now Playing25minIsla Mujeres Inspired
Now Playing25minSunday Family Food
Now Playing25minGirls Just Wanna Have Fun
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Now Playing25minStreet Food Favorites
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Julia & Jacques Cooking at Home
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Now Playing25minRoast of Veal and Leg of Lamb
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